Goal Setting
Tips And Strategies For Success

I sometimes wonder what it would be like to be perfect. What if we could simply be or do just what we wanted without giving any thought to it. However, I am fully aware that I will never be perfect. No one is perfect.

As one who is constantly trying to grow and be my best personally, professionally spiritually and financially...I learned long ago that I must learn, understand and embrace successful goal settiing tips and strategies. Those strategies and tips are crucial for getting from where I am to where I want to be.

Defining, working toward and achieving outcomes are areas about which I am passionate. It's a practice I started many years ago. I taught it to my sons early on.  Goal setting is one of those areas that has had a dramatic positive impact on my life.

I believe just about everybody in the world devotes countless hours to thinking of their future and what is going on with their present situation in life. Most wish there was something they could do to make changes in their life.

It's so important to spend time taking stock of your life, if you want to make some changes. Think about where you are now and where you want to be...

If you want to move from one place to another, you'll need some effective goal setting tips and strategies to get there. It's similar to following travel directions on your GPS. You set it to get you from 'point A' to 'Point B.'

There are several benefits to setting effective goals.

You'll find that you can:

  • Achieve more in your lifetime
  • Improve your overall performances in life
  • Increase your motivation to achieve the most out of life
  • Increase your pride and satisfaction in your achievements
  • Plan and eliminate attitudes that hold you back and cause unhappiness

Once you know where you are now and where you want to go, you can use that information as a basis for developing goals in specific areas of your personal development.

You can apply effective goal setting tips and strategies in your life for:

  • Healthy relationships
  • Work
  • Finances
  • Personal health and fitness
  • Friendships, and more.

If you are new to the goal setting process, tackling a big goal all at once might be discouraging. You want to keep items simple, enjoyable and meaningful.

Similar to breaking big items into smaller ones, you'll want to set short-term rather than long-term goals in the beginning.

Make your goals measurable…

Each of your goals must be measurable so that you will always know where you are in the process.  This also provides a means for comparison once the goal is reached.

Make sure your measurement is quantifiable. In other words, state specifically what needs to be achieved. Saying “I want to walk more” is not quantifiable. It is preferable to say, “ I want to walk 3 miles each day.” Then set out to achieve that using the tips and strategies laid out here.

Remember, one of the most important things to remember is to break big items into smaller items.

Develop small steps designed to help you reach your overall outcome. This makes the process much easier without seeming too overwhelming.

Make it a point to celebrate small accomplishments or milestones along the way.

Finally, once you have your plan, begin working towards achieving it. Sticking with your goals it is important.

You may find that you need support along the way. Think about it. How many times have you decided on a course of action and simply didn’t follow through with it?

Try to find a team of supporters to keep you supported as you move along the way. Use an accountability coach or someone who will hold you accountable for reaching your goals. Check in with them to report your progress on a regular basis.

Once a goal has been reached, take time and set a new one. Always have action plans for your personal growth.

Basic goal setting tips and strategies are not difficult to follow once you are familiar with them. You can do it!

Smart Goal Setting Techniques

Goal Setting and Motivation

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